Monday, May 27, 2013

Artful Session @ heART Studio

"Dok, dok, dok, dok..." a symphony of "dok dok dok" was performed in an art studio. Yes, you heard it right. From an art studio.

Thanks Pei Pei and Hao Hao's DaDi for approving my 2 hours off, so that I can participate in Adult Canvas Art Class at heART Studio, in celebration of Singapore Mom Bloggers' first birthday!

Today we were introduced to short strokes blending with oil pastels on canvas, and we were to draw Hughes Claude Pissaro's Camille Pissaro Sails.

After the introduction by Teacher Gaz and Teacher Elma, we started to work on the canvas. First, we sketched the horizon and the subjects using pale colours. Next, we applied short strokes, that was when the "dok dok dok" symphony began. We learnt that different stroke pressure would lead to different colour intensity and achieve different effects. The loudness of "dok dok dok" was directly proportional to the pressure we applied!

Honestly, though I can scribble some cartoons, drawing with oil pastels on canvas is totally new to me. I was a bit lost when I was staring at the sample given, hoping very hard that Hughes Claude Pissaro would not be be angry with me.

But fear not, the teachers were very helpful, they gave me some tips and demonstrated how I could achieve the desired effect.

Finally... three cheers!!!

It was really an enjoyable session!

Want to learn more about art? heART Studio conducts Adult Canvas classes to teach basic art sketching on canvas, just need 2 people to start a class! heART Studio also conducts art classes and holiday programmes for children 3-12 years old.

For more information, check their website or Facebook page!


Disclaimer: I attended the complimentary Adult Canvas Class as part of SMB Turns 1 Celebration. All opinions are mine.

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